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COM’s love at first sight for documentaries and fiction!

At a time when many wonder if AI will lead to a total disruption of marketing, communication is gradually reinventing itself. It's no longer a question of whether you should communicate or not; it's undoubtedly essential. Whether you're a small SME, an artisan, an independent professional, or a large corporation, you need to engage in communication.

You might try to find your match in this ocean of agencies and consulting firms. By relying on luck or your bank account, you'll seek reassurance in your choice. But that's another story that we'll develop in a future article: "How to Choose Your Communication Agency and Why."

Let's get back to what concerns us: communication, documentaries, and fiction. How did we end up putting these three words in the same sentence? And why should we not neglect this cohabitation?

Some brands have been convinced by these unconventional formats for their promotion, and the results have exceeded their expectations. Everyone has heard of the animated film sponsored by Dove and Oscar-winning in 2020: "Hair Love." With a budget that may seem symbolic compared to the brand's communication budgets, they benefited from visibility and media coverage beyond measure, in an area where no one expected them. It's phenomenal!

It's sponsorship, patronage based on common values with a strong and inclusive message. Brands, more than ever, want to tell stories. In the era of "Swipe express" and "bombardment," it's good to return to fundamentals. Fiction is an excellent vector and is not affected by the image that has become prohibitive of product placement in all "influencer sauces," often bitter.

Directors and producers, on the other hand, are delighted with this mix of genres, this intrusion into their world. Budgets are often challenging to gather, and this providential windfall of companies with multiple values and messages meets a need without imposing itself in the creative phase.

For companies still doubting the perfect match between their identity and the fiction to be produced, the option of a documentary appears obvious. The proliferation of streaming platforms, the enthusiasm for "success stories," and the authenticity benefit they bring to the brand make it an essential communication format.

You can make your company shine through the production of an award-winning short film, an unexpected documentary, or a fiction with a unifying message. Communication channels have no more boundaries; communication winks at the seventh art, and it reciprocates!

Innocent Productions

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